Friday, August 17, 2012
Is Cain The Offspring of Lucifer ( Are You Serious ?)
Let me clear up a misconception that has ravished churches and synagogues for ages. A lot of young , and older adults believe that Eve was kicked of the Garden of Eden for Having sex with Satan , and that her son Cain , was the result of this sinful nature. Most of you know about the story of Adam & Eve and how they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Here is what we know to be of biblical truth. When God created the heavens and the earth , it was his infinite desire to create animals as well as humans. In fact , Adam was the one who named all of the animals on the earth (Gen 2:19). Genesis Chapter 2 verse 7 says, " And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground , and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life , and man became a living thing. Then from verses 21-23 it says , " And the Lord caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam , and he slept. He took one the ribs and closed up the flesh in it's place , God made the rib into a woman and brought her to the man. Adam said , this is now bone of my bones , and flesh of my flesh ; she shall be called woman , because she was taken out of Man ". Now I want you to keep in mind that when God created Adam and Eve , they were the first humans without sin. Following their encounter with the serpent ( Satan himself) , this is where their fidelity was tested. Remember that Adam and Eve were told by God that they could eat the fruit off of every tree , except for The Tree Of Knowledge of Good And Evil............for they would surely die (Gen 2:19). Satan twisted around what God said , and in turn interpreted it as this " you will not surely die , for your eyes will be opened like God , knowing both " Good " and " Evil " Listening to the words of Satan , Eve ate the apple off of the tree , and shared with Adam as well............causing the both of them to sin together. So far everything makes sense , but to some individuals they seeks interpretations that are off their own. In a recent conversation with a friend of mine , we discussed our views on the story of Adam & Eve. What I heard next from their lips, infuriated me. They believe that Eve was not kicked for eating an apple off of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil , in fact more so that this was not a resultant of Adam and Eve getting kicked out of Heaven , but that Eve indulged in sexual pleasure with Satan , and then engaged in them again with Adam. Their reasoning for this , is because the " apple " does not make sense , and used as a cover-up to what really happened in that part of the bible. How can it be that Satan and Eve had sex ( and conceived Cain ) , when it clearly states in Genesis Chapter 4:1 " Now Adam knew Eve his wife , and she bore Cain, and said, " I have acquired a man from the Lord". When you see the phrase " Now Adam knew his wife Eve " , it is an implication that Adam & Eve became intimate after getting kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Another allusion to this story , is that Adam & Eve were naked because they took off their clothes to have sex. This is inaccurate as God called Adam , and was afraid to come to him because he was naked. Genesis Ch 3: 11 says " And he said, " Who told you that you were naked ? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you should not eat ?. Adam then goes on to blame Eve for their sin. When people are not reading their bible daily , it is very easy for Satan to infiltrate their mind and their well being. This is the problem that a lot of new believers , and current believers face. It seems that man is becoming more reliable than the savior. A lot of christians are more interested in some one telling them what they should , instead of what they know they ought to do. Keep this in mind , Hosea Ch 4:6 says " My people perish for lack of knowledge ". Do not perish brethren.
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